Saturday, November 14, 2015

Martha and Paul Come to Canada

As part of the Sauti Moja Community, we would like you to meet Martha Bone and Paul Galmagar from Kenya. They are founders of our work in Marsabit; Martha is our Vulnerable Youth Coordinator, including child mothers. Paul is the Peace Coordinator and provides leadership for our livestock loans to single mothers.

As Canadian Foodgrains Bank, a major funder for our livestock, peace, and gender programming, has been so impressed with our projects, they invited and are hosting Paul and Martha for a speaking tour in the Prairies and Ontario.  We are inviting you to join us and meet Martha and Paul, who will make a short presentation followed by a question period and time for visiting.  

 Saskatchewan Location
Monday, November 23rd, Kathy Platt and the congregation of Sunset United Church, 177 Sunset Drive, Regina, Saskatchewan are hosting a potluck lunch at 11:30 a.m. 

Ontario Location
Saturday, November 28th from 2:30pm to 4:00pm @ the Church of the Epiphany, 141 Bronte Road, Oakville, Ontario 
Martha will be especially excited to meet those who sponsor child mothers! If you are interested in peacemaking between ethnic groups, Paul is truly an expert; you will enjoy talking with him.  Looking forward to seeing those who are able to join us!