In a remote area of northern Kenya, women widowed and
impoverished by conflict between warring communities are an example of healing,
reconciliation, and modeling of peace. This is changing the hearts and minds of
both communities in ways that twenty years of peace initiatives by churches, agencies
and politicians have not. No one thought that women victimized by violence
between the Rendille and Borana communities would become powerful agents for peace.
In response to the conflict between the Borana in Badasa
and the Rendille in Songa, Sauti Moja implemented a pilot project that most
leaders considered foolish. The new livestock bank would be made up of ten
widows from each village, and in order to qualify for a livestock loan, each
had to have had her husband killed and her livestock stolen by someone from the
opposite village/tribe. Further, they
had to be willing to enter into a process of reconciliation and peace-making.
This required courageous women who not only feared the ‘enemy’ but were willing
to stand up against the distrust and revengeful attitudes of the neighbours and
family that they often depended on for assistance. They also had a longing for
the good old days of peace and friendship with those who had become the enemy.
And, some saw that the conflict was evil; Daku, a Borana widow, said that peace
could come “if we put God first, come together with enemies, forget the past,
and forgive one another”.
A peace garden is one way that Sube communicates the message of peace to her child and community. |
Unexpectedly, our Women for Peace began to take the
initiative. They formed peace gardens where women from both tribes worked
together each Saturday. The women started going to each others’ villages to
sell produce and each others’ homes to visit the sick, celebrate new life, or
have tea. Widows began chastising neighbor women whose sons’ had stolen
livestock and threatening to report this to the police, if the livestock were
not returned. Rendille widows cajoled men from their tribe to help fight fire
in the Borana grazing land; the next day, the Borana had a goat roast in honour
and appreciation for unexpected help from the ‘enemy’. The women developed
peace songs and dramas to present at local schools and in public meetings. They
lobbied the Governor to help them revive their farms that had been disused for
many years, and to provide security for them working the fields. Soon, this good news began to spread, leading
to Catholic Peace and Justice inviting a few widows to give their testimonies
in another region with severe conflict and to the capital to tell their story
of peace and reconciliation, nationally. Neighbouring communities came asking these
women to tell them how to have peace.
Rendille and Borana women passed-on their first female goat as a symbol of peace between them. |
While this was impressive, many remained skeptical for,
next to her children, the most prized possession of a pastoralist woman is her
livestock. They are her prime source of food, income and wealth, and are key to
social status and community acceptance. Our fear was that when it was time for
Rendille women to give female goats to the Borana, and vice versa, the process
would break down. How could a pastoralist give livestock to those who stole
hers? Our fear was unfounded; on October 28th, all the widows
gathered in the midst of the conflicted area where they sang songs of peace,
and each one passed female goats to new widows from the other tribe. The
most-critical stage of our peace process was successful, and with that there
are now forty Widows for Peace.
At the meeting, the sheik praised the impact of these
women. Because of their influence, men can walk between the villages at night.
An old man told us that now he takes only a stick when herding his goats; there
is no need to carry a weapon. When a Borana man was recently beaten and his
three donkeys stolen, the Rendille elders punished the warriors, forcing them
to return the donkeys and give the Borana man three cows; in the past, the
warriors would have been praised. The Widows of Conflict are truly Women for
Peace; transformed women now have transformed communities.
For a video presentation of this peace initative please click on the following link: Widows of Conflict; Women for Peace: